Another Branch on the Family tree.
There is nothing that makes a father prouder than seeing his son follow in his footsteps. We are very proud to say that our family has been rooted in the tree service industry for 4 generations. After WWII my grandfather came home from two tours as decorated veteran. He was a paratrooper that parachuted behind enemy lines on d-day. By the end of the war he had fought in seven major battles and received 2 purple hearts. Being no stranger to heights or danger he began cutting trees to make ends meet. Back then there wasn’t much of a tree service industry. Tree services and loggers were pretty much thing. He would be in the woods logging dozens of trees one day and at someone’s house removing a single tree the next. The techniques and tools back then were a lot different than todays. My grandfather cut trees for many years. He fathered of his six children. One of those six was the hardest working man that has ever lived (my Father). My grandfather learned a lot through the years and was eager to pass that knowledge on to my father. So at the age of 14 my dad began cutting trees. That was 1970 and he is still cutting them as of today in 2019. Still! Everyday! I can remember being in the woods with my father as a young boy in watching him cut and move trees by hand. We didn’t have much money. In fact we were extremely poor and had no equipment. There wasn’t much money in the tree industry back then. He had two chainsaws and a pickup truck that barely ran. But it was enough. Each weekend we would go to the Everglades and look for areas that had been burnt by wildfire. Burnt logs made great fence post for ranchers. During the week my dad would cut trees for residential clients and on the weekend we would go to the woods and harvest the burnt trees for fence post. Once we found an area of burnt timber he would start cutting. At 10 years old he gave me my start in the tree industry. He told me that I would be paid a quarter for every fence post that I carried to the truck. Not only did I make enough money that day to buy slushies for an entire week, I had a great time doing it with my dad.
From that point on I knew that I was a tree guy. My father taught me everything that his father taught him and the things that he had learned himself. Through the years we have worked together and loved it. We are a team. I have taken the knowledge that I was given and used it to reach the top of my profession. I hold a very prestigious certification that very very few ever obtain. I am a Board Certified Master Arborist. It signifies that I am absolutely dedicated to my profession and a master of my craft. I have raised my three sons in the hopes that they will be better tree guys and arborists than I am. All three have sap coursing through their veins. After a few summer internships with Arbormax my oldest son Tyndall enlisted in the U.S. Marines infantry division in Camp Lejune NC. After his tour he plans to head up Our Charlotte NC, division. My middle son Tyler is in the process of becoming a certified arborist and hopes to head up our southeastern division. My youngest son Timmy Is an amazing tree climber and hopes to become President of the company. He is the little guy displayed on a bunch of the photos throughout the site although he isn’t little anymore.
I am quick to crack a joke about being another nut on my family tree. I have said that I have sap coursing through my veins 10,000 times (which may or may not be true). And our website is littered with puns like “We are rooted in Kansas City” and “have a Prob-Limb? Leaf it to us”. But all puns and joking aside. We truly love what we do and we love Arbormax wholeheartedly. We see Arbormax as a family member and it is as much a part of our family as anyone. The nice uncle or loving granny type family member that is always there to help. This is why we operate it the way that we do. that Arbormax cares and wants to help every single one of our clients. We have integrity and are committed to our clients. We operate on a simple set of principals. “Do what is right and do the right thing”.
We are rooted in Kansas City.
A lot of things have changed since my grandfather cut that first tree all those years ago. Chainsaws have gotten better and stronger, climbing methods have improved and the overall understanding of a trees needs has advanced greatly. There is one thing that has remained unchanged over time. That one thing is our commitment to our clients and their satisfaction. Our clients and the relationships that we have formed with them are as much a part of who we are as anything. We have been fortunate enough to have fantastic customers throughout the years that really appreciate our level of service. I don’t think we can emphasize how much we really appreciate and care for our clients. We honestly treat all of our customers like they are our only customer. After all, what is a business without customers?